Photoshop Work

| America | Folly | Portrait |

America, Text Enhancement


For this Photoshop exercise, we were learning how to enhance text. We used multiple layers to accomplish this. The main affect came from adding a filter. The filter I chose to use was "Glass"

Folly Beach, Text Mask


For this Photoshop exercise, we were learning how to insert a Text Mask. We used a picture that had contrasting colors so that we could use the text masking tool. I chose a picture of Folly beach, South Carolina. The blue sky and brown colors of the pier contrasted well. To insert the text mask we had to use the "text mask" tool in the type menu. After, we had to create a new layer with just the text and bevel and emboss the wording.

Portrait -Vignettes and Photomontages


For this Photoshop exercise, we were learning how to create a vignette a photomontages. We learned how to blend images with colorful backgrounds.